
Create a turbos pool


createPool(options: CreatePoolOptions): Promise<Transaction>


interface CreatePoolOptions {
  // From sdk.contract.getFees()
  fee: Contract.Fee;
  // Coin type such as 0x2::sui::SUI
  coinTypeA: string;
  // Coin type such as 0x2::sui::SUI
  coinTypeB: string;
  // Amount of coin A
  amountA: string | number;
  // Amount of coin B
  amountB: string | number;
  // Represents the index of the lower tick boundary
  tickLower: number;
  // Represents the index of the upper tick boundary
  tickUpper: number;
  // Initial price
  sqrtPrice: string;
  // Creator wallet address
  address: string;
  // Acceptable wasted amount percentage. Range: [0, 100)
  slippage: string | number;
  // Expires timeout(ms), defaults 60_000
  deadline?: number;
  // Custom transaction handler
  txb?: Transaction;


const fees = await sdk.contract.getFees();

const tx = await sdk.pool.createPool({
  fee: fees[0],
  coinTypeA: '0x5d1f47ea69bb0de31c313d7acf89b890dbb8991ea8e03c6c355171f84bb1ba4a::turbos::TURBOS',
  coinTypeB: '0x2::sui::SUI',
  address: '0xc851a734b97870c41435b06c8254f1ef4cef0d53cfe1bcb0ba21a175b528311e',
  slippage: 0.5,

Last updated