Why Sui Network

The past two years have seen significant development within the DeFi ecosystem, marked by a notable surge in growth. Presently, the Ethereum ecosystem holds the most prominent position, with attention largely focused on ETH, EVM forked chains and Layer 2 networks.

The Ethereum ecosystem is currently beset by a multitude of vexing challenges. These include:

  • Exorbitant gas costs denominated in ETH

  • Low processing speed within the network

  • Ecosystem faces the problems of insufficient decentralization and transparency within ETH-forked chains

  • The existence of the ETH Layer1 presents a significant obstacle to the growth and development of EVM-based public chains operating within the ecosystem.

To ensure the platform's success, Turbos Finance has chosen to build on top of the Sui Network, a high-performance L1 blockchain, which resolves the pain points on the current landscape. Some of the features include:

(i) Parallel Execution of Simple Transactions

Sui Network's consensus mechanism allows for the parallel execution of simple transactions, significantly reducing latency and allowing validators to utilize their CPU cores to their full potential.

(ii) Distinct Security Approach

Unlike many other blockchain networks, Sui Network does not rely on strong asynchronous assumptions on the platform. This approach ensures that the chain's security properties are maintained even under unfavorable conditions, such as DoS attacks or network splits.

(iii) Simplified Developer Experience

Sui Network's programming language, Move, is blockchain-oriented and designed to facilitate a more accessible developer experience. With less boilerplate code, developers can write fewer errors with foundational concepts, ultimately saving time and reducing project costs.

(iv) Enhanced UX for Web3 Protocols

Sui Network's software development kit (SDK) provides developers with various tools that enable them to produce dApps and other Web3 projects with improved UXs.

We believe that Sui’s advantages can help Turbos achieve the CEX-level trading speed and user experience.

Last updated